What do I have to do?
Just sign up and that is it. We will call or email when we have a opinion research study in your area or over the telephone. When you get a call from us we will have a couple questions to verify our records then we will schedule you for whatever session we are doing. Attend the session, give your opinions and then we give you cash. That is it. No strings, gimmicks, or sales promotions attached.

What does it cost me?
Nothing.  There is no membership, monthly fee, etc.

I heard you give money for opinions, is this true?
Yes, participants in our discussion groups are all rewarded with a cash incentive for their opinions. The amount depends on the length of the interview but typically it is between $75 and $150 for a 2 hour group session.  Online surveys generally run any where from $5 to $20 depending on the length.

Why should I join?
Joining our opinion panel gives you the opportunity to be heard and give your opinions on  products and services you use each day as well as social and political issues and policies. In appreciation of your opinions the participants in our discussion groups are all rewarded with a monetary incentive.

What is a Focus Group?
A focus group is a form of market research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. In our case our sessions are usually groups of 8 to 12 people or 1 on 1 interviews discussing a products or services.

What kind of Research is this?
Most products and services you buy and use everyday are typically tested through market research before they are put on the market.  This helps companies improve their products and services by listening to the consumers.  Just a few of the topics we have dealt with in the past include, baby diapers, lawn mowers, sodas, fast food, cell phones, auto insurance, pet food, medications, etc.  The list goes on and on.

What are you selling?
Nothing, except the opportunity for you to give feedback and get cash for your opinions. We are strictly in the Market Research business and it would be unethical for us to contact you for any sales purposes.

Are you going to sell my information or phone number?

No, we take your privacy very seriously. Any information you provide us will only be used for market research purposes.

Why did you call my house?
We were most likely calling to invite you to one of our discussions. As a opinion research firm conducting market market research surveys the do not call list does not apply.  Our professionally trained interviewers will never attempt to sell you anything.  We are only interested in your opinions and are willing to offer cash for them. Our main phone numbers you may see on your caller id are 210-734-4346 or 210-507-4450