Privacy Policy

Galloway Research Service is committed to protecting the privacy of all information we collect from our clients and from research participants. This policy applies to all client and personal information that we collect or use in the course of conducting our business. This policy covers all client information and research participant data housed at a Galloway Research Service facility or stored on our network. Anyone who has access to such information or data must follow this policy.

Client Information

We treat all information we receive from clients as confidential and do not use the information for any purpose other than to fulfill our obligations to them. We keep client information secure at all times, and prevent the misuse and unauthorized disclosure of it by our employees or any third parties.

Research Participant Information

All responses to our research are completely confidential. The data we collect in our studies is for research purposes only, and our use of that information will be limited to that purpose. Research participant answers will not be used by any entity as an aid for sales.
Research participation is voluntary and sample members always have the opportunity to decline involvement or to “opt out” of the research after agreeing to participate. We do not collect personal information without research participant consent.
We do not rent, sell or give personal information to any third party for the purpose of directly marketing any products or services. In some cases we may need to share personal information with third parties that provide research services in support of the research project. Any third party that receives personal information is obligated to follow all of the same privacy protection regulations as followed by Galloway Research Service

At their request, we give research participants access to the personal information we have collected about them. We correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete, change their consent status, or have their personal information deleted.

Galloway Research Service is committed to protecting the privacy of all information we collect from our clients and from research participants. This policy applies to all client and personal information that we collect or use in the course of conducting our business. This policy covers all client information and research participant data housed at a Galloway Research Service facility or stored on our network. Anyone who has access to such information or data must follow this policy.

Client Information

We treat all information we receive from clients as confidential and do not use the information for any purpose other than to fulfill our obligations to them. We keep client information secure at all times, and prevent the misuse and unauthorized disclosure of it by our employees or any third parties.

Research Participant Information

All responses to our research are completely confidential. The data we collect in our studies is for research purposes only, and our use of that information will be limited to that purpose. Research participant answers will not be used by any entity as an aid for sales.

Research participation is voluntary and sample members always have the opportunity to decline involvement or to “opt out” of the research after agreeing to participate. We do not collect personal information without research participant consent.

We do not rent, sell or give personal information to any third party for the purpose of directly marketing any products or services. In some cases we may need to share personal information with third parties that provide research services in support of the research project. Any third party that receives personal information is obligated to follow all of the same privacy protection regulations as followed by Galloway Research Service

At their request, we give research participants access to the personal information we have collected about them. We correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete, change their consent status, or have their personal information deleted.


We do not contact children under the age of 18 without consent from a parent, guardian, or an accredited Institutional Review Board.

Opt Out Policy

If you wish to be removed from Galloway Research Service’s email or phone contact lists, please complete our Do Not Contact form.

Information Security

We maintain all necessary physical, electronic and procedural security measures to help safeguard client data and personal information. Third parties that provide us with support or services may also receive client data or personal information, and we require them to maintain security measures similar to ours with respect to such information.

Data Integrity

Galloway Research Service will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal data is accurate, complete, current and relevant, being used only to fulfill our obligations to our clients.

Safe Harbor

Consistent with our commitment to protect personal privacy, Galloway Research Service complies with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries.

Online Tracking

Galloway Research Service respects the voluntary nature of research participation, and protects our survey respondents’ identities when collecting market research responses online. Personal information is only collected when the research participant deliberately and voluntarily provides it. The only use of their web browsing activity is to ensure a stable, error-free survey experience.

The only information we collect from visitors to our corporate websites ,, or  is the information they voluntarily provide on the contact or signup forms. Otherwise, the only use of their web browsing activity is to generate aggregate traffic reporting statistics for the website.

Whether or not we receive Do Not Track request signals from a web browser, we will never use browsing activity information from our website visitors or survey respondents to provide or offer third party advertising content.


As members of the Insights Association we strive to model our policies according to those guidelines. If you are concerned about our use of personal or client information, please contact us by email at or by telephone at 800.726.4346 and ask to speak to our Privacy Officer.

Changes in the Privacy Statement

We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time by posting an amended version of the statement on the Galloway Research Service Web site. Please refer to this policy regularly. If at any time we decide to use personally identifiable information in a different manner then was stated at the time it was collected, we will notify you directly via email for your consent.

Legal Obligations

Under certain circumstances permitted or required by law (for example, in connection with law enforcement investigations), we may be required to disclose client data or personal information without giving notice.